
Voucher take two!


Did you see my little error this morning "Who has won the voucher?".  I got up early and decided to pre write the post so that I could just drop in the photo and details later when the number was picked. It gets so crazy in the warehouse on Mondays and I was just trying to save a bit of time, but I messed up and pressed the wrong button.

It has been one of those weekends, I am still full of cold and it has turned into sinusitus - oooh so painful. Rachie was so sweet, she realised how unwell I felt and offered to go to Ally Pally for me - aaaah I thought that was wonderful. Until I remembered that she has her mother-in-law coming to stay this coming weekend. RACHIE!

So "Who has won the £20 Voucher?" Could it be Wilma for telling us what type of weather she is experiencing, or Wiglet for singing us a song, or Tracey for hating Fridays's or I did like Clare's idea of only allowing entry into her craft room with coffee and chocolate.  I only wish you could all win. The kiddies have the "Bingo" bag so I had better find my camera!

The winner of our Friday FREEBIE £20 voucher is.......

Number 40 = Anj

Please put me in your Bingo Bag.... the inspiration on your site just gets better and better.  Happy Friday everyone!! x x x

Well done Anj you have 20 smackers to spend on ribbons and buttons from our website.  Please email me at and i will tell you all about how to spend the voucher.  Sorry to everyone that left wicked comments, maybe your luck will be in this week!

I am being "nagged", I am - by my customers. I searched the world all summer for wonderful new ribbons to take to the Autumn exhibitions.  Well what's the point of having all the same ribbons as you can find on our website, you make the effort to come to the shows to see something different.  We thought this was a good idea.....Ooooh noooooo. All last week poor Tony was bombarded with emails and telephone calls, "I saw this ribbbon...", "In Exeter you had a ribbon with....", "Where can I find...." . Tony was almost begging me (Ok he did not get down on his knees - but close as!) to add ribbons to the site. 

I will be adding ribbons, when time allows BUT please if you see a ribbon at ALLY PALLY this week and you fall in love, just ask if it is on the site or not. We are always happy to help.

So who wanted the Funky Christmas ribbons to be added?  The ones that are in the Funky Selection Box - well here they are...

scrummy pinks


or lush limes. 

These are just two of the colours added to our Go Grosgrain collection, you can find them all HERE. Go Grosgrain this Christmas!

Now Gail you wanted me to share your Christmas challenge creations next - I am sure I can arrange this space!


Who's won the voucher?


Oops! sorry pressed the wrong button, that will teach me to start working without drinking my coffee!!

Friday FREEBIE 40


Not sure how accurate my Friday FREEBIE counting is but if we are on week 40 that means only 12 weeks to Christmas - does that sound about right?

Plenty of time, no last minute panics - no not this year.  Dream on Ali!

September seems to have been a very short month, but as it is already the first friday of October it is Friday FREEBIE voucher day.... have a chance to win a £20 voucher to spend on our website.  All you have to do to get your number in the "Bingo" bag is to leave a comment.  We pick the winner on Monday, BUT please remember that you have to check to see if you have won, We DO NOT contact you.

If you are having trouble with our spam filters, please email your comment to (by the way that is gmail as in google not q as in queen!) and I will add it for you.  One of last weeks winners had problems leaving a comment, so I did it for her and she WON!

It is pouring with rain here in Dorset today, we have a big roll over door to the warehouse and we love working with it open, it lets in so much light, but I think it will only let in the rain today - boo hoo. i think I will go into a bit of a dream world and start thinking of Christmas, I have another super collection of creates to share.

Gemma really got into the spirit of Christmas, she sent in something to count the days away, something for the prezzies, something for the tree and even something for the Christmas table. WOW that was some creative thinking.

This is amazing Gemma, and yes everyone that is ribbon (HERE). If you are coming to see us next week in London at Ally Pally you will see Gemma's calender hanging on our stand above the christmas ribbons. you must look it twinkles and shimmers with the light.

Wouldn't any parcel look wonderful wearing this tag made by Gemma.  These Merry Christmas ribbons have been so popular, we are out of stock of a few designs, BUT don't worry an emergency order has been placed, they should be back soon!! Rachie and I were re-stocking the exhibtion stand yesterday, Rachie removed the cover from the "Go Christmas" Cabinet and she almost fainted - it was totally empty, she could not believe it. Sorry Rachie.

On to the tree, why not get your needle and thread out and make a few extra tree decs like Gemma's.  What a great idea.

I think this is a wicked idea, napkin rings for the Christmas table - super I think you are going to have a very creative Christmas Gemma.

Who could not fall in love with Natalie's teddy bear, he is stunning.

Not into teddies then this hedgehog might make you smile. I love the way Natalie has teamed up the snowflake embellishments with the "Go Grosgrain" snowflake ribbon.  We have some super NEW colours of this ribbon, watch this space!

Ooooh this card is very stylish Claire, the snowflake is hanging free in side the card - clever. You can see this on display at the front of our exhbition stand.

I think this idea is great Claire and would make perfect stocking fillers.  Have you worked out what it is?

It's a little photo album.  I am sure Grandmas would like a new brag book for Christmas - not everyone has i-phones Rachie!!

Thank you Gemma, Natalie and Claire for your super creations, I hope they have given you a little bit of insipiration for Christmas.

I had planned to go out this weekend, but if it continues to rain then I will be tucked up inside my craft room playing away!

Have a creative weekend.


Christmas Time


Hooray! I have some time to share the wonderful creations from our current Ribbon Challenge # 18. 

As you may know, in the past I have sometimes credited the wrong name to the work of art I have photographed.  Since my little mishaps I have been extra careful and only opened one parcel at a time so not to get anything mixed up. (Sad, I used to rip open the parcels just like on my birthday it was fantastic, but I have become controlled.....not as much fun!)

Everything has been perfect for several challenges and I have been spot on (well I think so, no one has told me otherwise!).  BUT and a big BUT, the challenge goodies that were sent in this time I wanted to display on our exhibtion stand in Exeter, "oh god" I will never get everything to match up.

These photos were taken 11 days ago, the cards and goodies are now tucked up on the exhibtion stand - I am working from memory only!!!!! Please forgive me if I have made any mistakes.

I am 100% positive that the first set of goodies came from Wilma - that might have something to do with the choccies, but I am not sure!

Oooooh a box! But Wilma's note said it contained "Marbles" - naah that could not be correct.....

....funny looking marbles, but they did taste good.

I love the books and albums Wilma makes me, if you come to a show you will seeing them hanging from the front of the stand - they create a lot of attention.

Not only are they decorated on the outside, but the inside is treated to Wilma's magic as well.

This red poinsettia ribbon is walking out, the west country ladies loved it, it does look stunning on Wilma's card.

You made us giggle with this one Wilma.

Wilma's last creation is HUGE.  I know you can not tell from the photo but the card has "gone large" a full A4 - it is stunning.

Carol I wish I had a £1 for every time I got asked at Exeter how to make these baubles! No we sell the ribbon!! Fab.

Perfect Carol, just perfect.

This little chappie also got a lot of attention Carol, and the snowflake ribbon is going down a dream.  (We do have some new delish colours, hope to get on the site soon). Great makes Carol.

A delightful stained glass effect from Cath.  Cath and her mum Linda (also a ribbon challenger) came to see us in Exeter, it is always great to put a face to a name.

Cath also sent in the wicked hanging parcel.  We had this on our demo table in Exeter and it was picked up an awful lot, thankfully it was put back again!!

That is my first memory batch - fingers crossed I got them correct. We have lots more Christmas card inspirations for you, so please keep popping back.

We are sponsoring two challenge blogs this week, the first is Creative Inspirations where they are looking for Christmas cards - now that should be easy.

and the second is Scrap it with a Song, this one could be a little bit harder, it is around the song "Life is a Highway'' by Rascal Flatts from the movie CARS.

If you have a moment go and join in, you could win a bundle of Crafty Ribbons ribbons!!!

Have fun.


Hello Wednesday - Ribbon Wands



Don't you just LOVE wednesday's? Say hello to wednesday  "hello wednesday" It's all down hill from now on to the weekend - yippee!!!

I had so many enquiries and questions about my ribbon wands at Exeter that I thought I had better show you them in greater detail.

So if you want to learn how to make a simple ribbon wand from a twig and some ribbons please read on....

Gather the bits you need around you. Double sided tape a wide and a narrow, scissors, a twig and a selection of ribbons.

Using the wide double sided tape, stick around the top of your twig.


Stick the ribbons to the top of the twig, wrap more double side tape over the top of the ribbons each time you add a new ribbon. My ribbons were 40cm long and I used 6 different ribbons

Finished top section of the wand.

With the narrow double side tape put a strip along the length of the twig.

Just peel off a small amount of backing paper, start at the top with 15mm satin ribbon (the length will depend on the length of your twig).  Wrap the ribbon all the way round the top to cover the double sided tape.

Continue wrapping the ribbon around the twig so that it slightly overlaps.  Remove the double sided tape backing paper a bit at a time.

When you get to the bottom, cut a piece of double sided tape and stick to the ribbon.  Finish the wrapping of ribbon and squish the excess ribbon in place,  You can form a neat end by using a lighter and melting the ribbon and moulding it to fit the twig.  DO NOT use your fingers to mould the ribbon as it will be hot, use a cutting mat or hard surface.


Fold the wrapping ribbon in half to find the centre and tie onto the bottom of the wand (my twig was 23cm long and I used a ribbon 1.8mtr long to wrap).  Place a knot on top to secure.

Take both ribbons to the back of the wand and cross over and then bring them to the front of the wand and cross over.

Keep wrapping the ribbons around the wand.

When you get to the top of the wand, knot the ribbon making sure it is tight.  Leave two long ends that will make two extra streamers.  Seal the ribbons ends by using either clear nail varnish or running them under a naked flame.

Finished ribbon wand.

I must say that I only made these as a little bit of fun for the little ones.  I had no idea how popular they would be. Several of my customers at Exeter wanted to buy Mollies wand that was on display for grandchildren.  I tried to explain how to make them, in the end I said I would make them and post the wands - Ali the wand maker!!!

All our halloween Ribbons and Buttons are on our website, you can find them all HERE.

Happy wand making.


Fantastic Exeter


Wooohooo what a fab time we had in Exeter.  you just loooooved our ribbons.  A big THANK YOU to everyone who came to see us, you made it a special time for Tony and myself - apart from somebody who gave me a cold.  That was not fair and not very kind of you, I am now feeling all horrid and grotty!!

I had no idea there were so many followers of the blog, and it was great meeting you.  The only problem I have is - you know ME, but I do not know you.  You chat away to me and I feel a bit silly that I do not know who you are.  Please forgive me.

We did have one problem with the stand - Mollies halloween shoes and wand.  I could have sold them time and time again.  We sold out of the spider ribbon and I keep getting told off for not having a wand kit - ooops sorry it was only a twig from the garden!  I will make it up to you, I promise.

On to the winners of this weeks Friday FREEBIE - who wanted a funky Christmas selection box then?  According to all your comments ALL of you! I must say they are delish.  It was rather wicked of me watching customers faces in Exeter as they decided between traditional or funky.  Some could just not choose between the two and bought both.....I like!

I needed 5 people to help with picking the winners this week, a nightmare getting everyone together.  All 3 children wanted to hold the "Bingo" bag.......

Sam has his number upside down, but not to disappoint anyone we will give an extra prize.

number 01- gorgeouslucy
Goodlie day to all crafty ribboners!

Friday Freebie thirty nine
Oh please Crafty Ribboners
Let it be mine
With Christmas a'coming and thoughts turn to gifts
with ribbons like this
My pressies will look bliss
So please, I beg you,
Pick me me me
On this the lucky lucky lucky
39th Friday freebie!

number 10 - Amanda
oh hoh oh xmas ribbons I am in lluurrvveeeee!!!!  Gorgeous ribbons as always Ali :o)


Amanda xxx

Bev picked number 53 - Elaine
Wow what a great selection box and it's not going to make me fat.

Sydney picked number 47 - Tracey
these are lovely x would love to win a box

Rachie picked number 17 -Gail
Ooh gorgeous ribbons, yes please!!!

Hope our makes got plenty of attention in Exeter Smile


G xxx

Mollie picked number 34 - Louise
What a lovely collections of beautiful and unusual Christmas ribbons.

Best wishes,

Hopefully there will be a few excited girlies about this evening - all you have to do to claim you Funky Christmas Selection Ribbonbox is to email me at and we will do the rest.  Sorry to every one who missed out.

I am off home to my nice warm bed to try and get rid of this cold - Tony I need some tissues and lots and lots of TLC!


Friday FREEBIE 39


We have all decided to have a Funky Christmas at Crafty Ribbons this year, and with the launch of our NEW Funky Christmas Selection Ribbonbox yesterday at the Exeter Exhibition it looks like there will many more of you joining in with us!!!

Our Funky Christmas box (HERE) is bursting with lush limes and stunning blue ribbons.....

.....thats not all, we have sizzling pinks and opulant whites and iridescent ribbons....

....24 different ribbons all 1mtr long squeeze into the white selection box, plus you get the wicked grosgrain pink ribbon printed with christmas trees and snowflakes to tie around the finished box.  WOW!

Are you hooked, have you fallen for our Funky Christmas Selection Box (remember no calories with this selection box!)? 

Would you like one of these boxes? We have 5 up for grabs for this weeks Friday FREEBIE.  Yes I did say FIVE!  All you have to do for a chance to win, is leave a comment.  We will pick the winners on Monday.

If you are unable to leave a comment due to our spam filters please email your comment to and we will do it for you.

I had better get a move on and head off to the the exhibition otherwise I will be late!!  Have a great weekend, if you are coming to Exeter please come and say "Hi".


Hello Wednesday - Spooky


Don't you just LOVE wednesday's? Say hello to wednesday  "hello wednesday" It's all down hill from now on to the weekend - yippee!!!

When you go down to the woods today be careful of who you might meet..............

.......because our spooky bunch have been out and about!

Halloween came early to Blandford yesterday and we took the kiddies to the woods all dressed up in the spooky costumes of which the girls costumes were highly decorated with ribbons!

We had ribbon wands.... 

.....Mollie also had little button bats flying around her dress and Halloween ribbon down the front. Whoops not on the site yet!

We had ribbons coming from the witches hat.....

....and lastly we had ribbon bows ( I showed you how to make these last week HERE) on the shoes.

...with a little pink heart button for the centre.

....the orange flash is not an error, Mollie waved her wand at me!!!

We all had fun and got a few very strange looks, hasn't everyone heard of the secret cult of witches and warlocks called The Ribbon Gang!


Wow big or what!


We had a delivery today - ribbons of course, but not what you would normally expect, these are BIG!

Our new ribbon canvasses for the back walls of our exhibition stand. As you can see we have gone large!!!!!

See you at Exeter, or maybe Ally Pally or even Dublin, or how about Birmingham NEC........nahhh come and see us in Paris!!


The magical winner is


WOW we had no idea what a storm the new magical ribbons would create and we have not told the world yet!  We have plenty for Exeter, we finished putting the stand together today.  If you are coming to the show please pop on to our stand and say "Hi".  We hope the west country ladies are going to be gentle with Tony and myself, we have not been at an exhibtion for almost 6 months........arrrgh all those button prices - mental arithmetic under pressure.......what fun......

Anyway back onto the winner of those wicked magical many of you wanted to give them a home, but sadly only one winner this week.

The winner of our Friday FREEBIE prize is....... 

....number 16 - Dragonllew

Wow wow wow not sure how your gonna top this lot my DD would love these ribbons thanks for the chance to win.

Congratulations you have a collection of magical ribbons all we need is your address.  Please email it to us at  Sorry to everyone else, who left magical comments, there are prizes every week, so maybe next time.

Mollie has a big "thing" about these new ribbons.  We have had to put them on a higher shelf because she was helping herself to rolls of "ickey" ribbon.  When we asked for them back so would reply "NO, mine. ickey", No they are auntie Ali's - "NO MINE".  She was not pacified with the off cuts she wanted ROLLS!

Postie delivered lots of parcels to me today, I have not opened them, saving that until tomorrow morning.  Thank you to all the challengers that have sent in the parcels, I really want to open them but I am only part way through pricing the button stands for Exeter and I must get that done first.  The parcels are sitting to the left of my desk and I am sure they are calling "Ali open us, we know you want to, a little sneak peak, go on Ali".

No, I must be strong - horrid job first - then pleasure!!



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