
Little happy faces


Nature collection pansy header 2

Hello everyone, I am back from my hols.
Tony and I had a wonderful time in Brittany, the weather was just wonderful,
if I dare say it – a little too hot!

We had a delivery of NEW ribbons while we were away.

These little pansies come with a story……

Nature collection sq

I love going to garden centres, very often on a Sunday.
Where they serve afternoon tea!

My favourite place to go, is what I call the “sick bay”……..
…..where all the plants look so sad and are crying out for a home.

Back in the spring I found this massive tray of pansies, they were really sick,
Tony said they were dead, they looked that bad.
But they were only 50p reduced from £10 – I also love bargains!

I got the sad pansies home and planted them out in my tubs,
I gave them plenty of water and lots of TLC.

They have been absolutely wonderful all summer,
their little faces greet me every time I open the back door.
Big smiles on their faces, dancing in the breeze.

I produced this ribbon for me………… makes me feel happy and puts a smile on my face.

If you would like to share in the delight of these Pansies you can find the ribbon here

Thanks for stopping by and reading the rambles of a self confessed ribbonholic……..


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Hello wednesday–rainbow cake


say helo to wednesday 405

Morning everyone.

It was Syd’s birthday last week she was nine.
The little blonde haired girl that used to love playing with my ribbons.

Now she is into other things, like writing in my office diary – Syd’s birthday - Cat cake X

It was not until I turned the page for July that I noticed it, so how long ago she wrote it I have no idea.

She has also decided that I am bonkers and calls me Auntie Bonkers!
Not only do I put up a Christmas Tree in July…….
…… I made her a fish bowl for her birthday – with swimming fish and gold coins for gravel….
…but when I gave her the present the night before, I told her to be very careful of it, so the water would not run out!

When she came home from school she found this…….

hello wednesday rainbow cake

She loved it.

Yes the rainbow ribbon is NEW…..but…..but… not on the website yet

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Friday FREEBIE winner


Phew it has been a busy week.
So much so I have gone away for a few days………………I need sleep!!
I really need sleep.

But before I go, the winner of last weeks Friday FREEBIE…..

blog voucher


Diane W

OMG !! I would have a ball buying half on buttons and half on ribbons and hours of fun choosing !!

Congratulations Diane – hope you enjoy shopping for FREE.
Please email Bev and she will send your voucher code.


Thank you to everyone that left delightful comments…………mmmmmm……
………….so you are waiting for my NEW Christmas designs…………

The designs are with the factory……… I can not change my mind now.
I do hope you all like……………….

Tee hee!

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Look what’s NEW


Oooooh, Oooooh I can tell you…..

We have a NEW website

Capture website

It is very white, very clean and fresh…………….we have been working on it for a while.
We pressed the button and went live last night.

We have re-designed our logo, so a complete re-branding to bring us up to scratch.
We hope you will enjoy the new website you can find it here


This is a 5th generation website.

We launched our very first website on 3 March 2001

Capture home page

It was a page website, like a book.

Capture 3 march 2001

Have a great day.

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Hello wednesday–Thank you letters


say helo to wednesday 405

How is everyone today? Well I hope, and enjoying the weather.
It is very hot in my office, no Fagin gloves today!

It is that time of year again, saying thank you to the teachers.
Sure you can go out and buy all sorts of things with “Thank you Teacher”……
….BUT I may be wrong………surely that is not what it is all about.
The gift should come from the child. But what do I know I am not a mum

Here is an idea that came from Mollie,
Made by Mollie, for her two teachers.

hello wednesday mollie letters

Mollie and I had a wonderful hour together, we sorted through the buttons. 
Mollie picked the buttons she liked. I did tie the bows for her.
Mollie is only 5, it is amazing what a year at school has done for her.

I hope Mrs Waller and Mrs Brown like their prezzies.
Buttons can be found here and the Thank you ribbon is from our NEW Wedding Owl collection here.

I have something really “BIG” to tell you………but it is no quite ready.
I hope I can spill the beans soon…..otherwise I am going to burst!!!

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NEW 3mm Grosgrain


3mm groasgrain ribbon

look what we have…

……….3mm grosgrain ribbon in scrummy fresh colours

Find them here



Morning everyone, what a beautiful morning it is here in Dorset.

You may have noticed that I have been rather quiet of late,
you may even say I went AWOL!

I have been away with the fairies – oh and the reindeer.

The designing of our NEW Christmas ranges has taken up all my time.
We are really excited over them…….we have………..

…… didn’t really think I would tell you.

But what I can do is this……..

blog voucher

offer a voucher for this weeks Friday FREEBIE.
Spend it on basics like

ribbon types

plain grosgrain or………

flower buttons

buttons or……..

pirate ribbons

our EXCLUSIVE ribbons or

ribbon occasions

hold out until the launch of our 2014 New Christmas ranges.

What would you do?  Leave me a comment with your thoughts.

The winner of the last Friday FREEBIE is………

Alyson Chapman
Very envious - I would have loved to have gone to Goodwood but couldn't make it this year. Hope you had a fabulous time! The Cars ribbons are absolutely adorable!

Congratulations Alyson, please email with your address.
You have until Thursday 18th July our claim your prize

Huge thanks to those of you that left us a comment, we really do appreciate the time you give us.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, think of me shivering with the snow and icicles around me!!!

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Hello wednesday–too many candles



Hello wednesday, a little later then normal but we have been having a board meeting.
Ooooh that sounds grand!

say helo to wednesday 405

I love those sweeties above – until I became allergic to chocolate.  Boo hoo. Sad smile
So this year for my birthday my sisters made me this.

cake hello wednesday 2

It was a joint family effort.
Bev made the cake……then Mollie and Rachie iced it.

Rachie said Mollie had so much fun with the sprinkles!

cake hello wednesday 1

So also said there was no enough room on the cake for all my candles.  What a cheek!!!

But that is what I designed this ribbon for.  Find it here.

Cake Ribbons - Candle

Back to our board meeting – it was a selection meeting for our NEW Christmas designs.
I do struggle to get into the “Christmas” mood this time of year.
The weather girl this morning said today could be the hottest day of the year so far….
…and I have a Christmas tree up!!

Not only that but we had a grumpy Bev arrive into work this morning.
I gather that Sydney was singing Christmas carols this morning!
All my fault apparently.

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A speedy Friday FREEBIE


Oooh my legs ache this morning
Tony and I had a little treat yesterday.

We went to Goodwood for the Festival of Speed.


It was totally amazing, but an awful lot of walking – hence the aching legs.

But amongst all the fabulous cars, I managed to find ribbon!

I did….


………hanging around the Champagne tent.
It was far too hot to sample the pleasure of the tent but I did enjoy seeing the ribbons.

So with all the fun of the festival and cars,
I think there can be only one collection of ribbons for this weeks Friday FREEBIE.

car and truck ribbons

Leave me a speedy comment for a chance to win this weeks collection of ribbons.

Have a great weekend.

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Hello wednesday–butterfly card


hello wed but

I forgot it was wednesday – oops sorry.
That is the trouble of having Monday off!

say helo to wednesday 405

Did you see our latest Exclusive ribbon we launched yesterday?

It was designed by Laura, one of our Challenge blog design team members.

hello wednesday butterfly card

Super easy to use, and looks stunning on its own.

There are four butterflies……

Large White – Pieris brassicae, Peacock – Inachis io, Meadow Brown – Maniola jurtina
Peleides Blue Morpho - Morpho peleides – Central and South Americas

…..all on unique backdrops.

nature collection - butterflies

You can find Laura’s butterflies here

What does it feel like Laura to have your very own ribbon?
We think it looks amazing and is the start of our new collection – Nature.

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